Tracker System
Rower Management, Regatta and Head System
User Manual
Note: All rates and fees shown in this manual are indicative only and subject to change.
Basic Tour of the Club Secretary Navigation Options
How to Renew a Rower’s Registration
How to Associate an Existing Rower with your Club
Basic Tour of the Regatta Secretary Navigation Options
Creating or Editing Your Regatta Events
Navigating to the Create Event Page
Basic Tour of the HOR Secretary Navigation Options
Creating or Editing Your HOR Events
Navigating to the Create Event Page
1. Go the Home page ( and scroll to the bottom of the page.
2. Click on the Club secretary link
3. You will be presented with this screen. Click on the “Choose Club” drop-down menu
4. Select your club from the list by scrolling up or down. The list is alphabetical.
5. Having selected your club, now enter the Club secretary password, and click Logon.
(If you do not know your password you will need to contact Rowing Ireland to issue a new one.)
6. You will be presented with the following screen – you are now at the Club secretary home page.
1. The following screen is the home page for the Club secretary. You can get here by logging on.
There are a number of functions which a Club Secretary can carry out on Tracker, namely:
· Register New or Reregister existing rowers with Rowing Ireland.
· Enter Regattas
· Enter Heads of the River (HOR) races
· Review Transactions for club financial record purposes
The system is designed to allow you to access these functions and related sub-functions with the top navigation bar. However for ease of use a number of the most common functions are also listed on the Club Secretary Home Page. The image below highlights some examples.
2. By Clicking on items on the top Navigation Bar you get a list of Sub-functions that relate to the particular heading. For example click on Registration and you get the following drop down menu:
3. Each Sub-function for Registration is described below
a. Club Menu – returns you to the Club secretary Home Page
b. Renew / View – Renew Rowers or View list of registered rowers
c. Transactions – View a list of Transactions relation to historical registrations
d. Search Rowers – allows you to search for rowers by a number of criteria including the year they were registered with your club right back to 2005.
e. New Registrations – allows the club to register people to Rowing Ireland for the first time
f. Associate a rower – register an existing rower on Tracker with your club
4. Transactions navigation
Clicking on the Transactions tab produces a drop down with additional menu options as follows:
a. Registration Trans allows you view historical transactions relating to registrations of rowers
b. Regatta Trans allows you view historical transactions relating to Regatta entries
c. HOR Trans allows you view historical transactions relating to Heads
5. Regatta Entry
Click on this tab and you can enter the Enter a Regatta section of the site
A list of available regattas is presented. The image below represents test data
6. HOR Entry
Click on this tab and you can enter the Enter a Regatta section of the site
A list of available Heads is presented. The image below represents test data.
7. “Need Help” sends an email directly to Rowing Ireland’s nominated help contact
8. “Log-off” – well that kind of speaks for itself.
Starting at the Club Secretary home page click on “Registration” the Navigation Bar and select “New Registration”
Add the Number of New Rowers you with to Register and hit the Submit button.
Add the Rower details as required. Make sure the info is correct – spelling and date of birth must match passport or birth cert.
What happens if I Submit a rower for a New Registration but he has already been registered on the system?
A Note on Para Rowers |
If you register as a Rower you will not be eligible to race in Para events. Please select Para if you wish to race in Para events during the year. |
You will get an error message below asking you to check the details and if he is in fact already registered then you need to go into the Renew Section and/or Add to Club i.e. Associate them to your club (see “Associate a Rower to Club” for more details)
What happens if everything is ok and they
don’t exist on the system already? You are presented with a Transaction to
record the amount you are required to pay Rowing Ireland for the registration.
An example is shown below.
What do you do now? Pop a cheque in the post or call the office and pay by Credit Card. The Office will record your Transaction as Paid and your rowers will be available for selection for entries in Head and Regattas according to their rowing status/grade.
Where a rower is already registered with your club you will simply have to Renew their Registration for the new season.
You can get to the Renew a Rower section two ways:
Quick Link: On the Club Secretary home page
you can click on Renew Registration as shown below.
Or you can use the Navigation bar and click
on Registrations
Whichever way you go, you will be presented with a list of rowers that have been registered with your club in the past. You can filter by Year that they were last registered or paid to find a rower who may be returning after a few years “sabbatical”.
You can Register people as Rowers, Cox, Associate or Para from a drop down menu for each rower you wish to re-register.
Once you have made your selections for each person you want to reregister – including whether they are a Coach or Umpire also, select RENEW for each as shown below – the system highlights them so you can see who is to be renewed and who is not being renewed.
If you are happy with your choice then you can select RENEW REGISTRATION at the foot of the page to process your renewed registrations.
You will be presented with a Transaction Report which itemises your selection and outputs the amount due to Rowing Ireland.
What do you do now? Pop a cheque in the post or call the office and pay by Credit Card. The Office will record your Transaction as Paid and your rowers will be available for selection for entries in Head and Regattas according to their rowing status/grade.
In Tracker you can register a rower with your club in three ways, depending on whether the rower has rowed in the past and which club they were registered with.
New Registration: A new registration is used when someone is registering for the first time. Basic details are added and birth certs are required to validate age etc. – as a new registration
Renew Registration: Renewal is used where a rower has been registered with Rowing Ireland with you club already. Most rowers reregister with the same club year after year. It’s simply a matter of renewing the registration.
Associate a Rower: Where a rower wishes to change clubs then the Associate a Rower function can be used to associate the rower with the club. Here’s how:
You will need the Rower ID of the rower to start. This can be found on their previous Registration Card or by searching on using their surname.
Input the number of rowers you intend to Associate with your Club and click proceed.
Input the rower ID’s as requested and click proceed.
Update the rowers details and click Renew Registration to proceed.
Tracker will then output a handy invoice for the registration fees due.
What do you do now? Pop a cheque in the post or call the office and pay by Credit Card. The Office will record your Transaction as Paid and your rowers will be available for selection for entries in Head and Regattas according to their rowing status/grade.
The joy of racing. It’s what it’s all about.
Here we should you how to get your crews lined up for the big day.
From the Club Secretary home page you can use the Quick Link or the navigation bar.
Select the Regatta you wish to enter.
Selecting a regatta to enter brings you to the main Regatta Entry page. There is some important information for both you and the Regatta Secretary as shown below. It’s a busy page with lots of info. Worth taking time to review it all.
To get started you must add your own details to allow the Regatta Secretary contact you. These are compulsory.
Next step is to select an event to enter. Scroll down the page to view all the events and click “Enter” to build a crew.
Selecting “Enter” brings you to the “Crew Builder” where you can build a crew from the eligible (registered & paid) rowers based on the combination of their status points relative to the Event you are seeking to enter.
The crew builder has three important areas:
1. The Rower Selection drop-downs – from which you select individual rowers
2. The Points accumulator – which shows the total points of the rowers you are selecting and the max allowed for the event.
3. Rowers not available for this crew based on their status.
Let’s focus on 1 and 2 as we build a crew and see what happens. Firstly selecting two rowers who are eligible in terms of total points:
Let’s see what happens when we select two rowers whose points exceed the allowable points for this event:
You will need to select a different combination of rowers from the drop down based on the points. You can see in the drop-down the points for each rower to help you decide who to swap in.
Let’s assume you have selected a combination that works, then click enter Crew as follows:
Your crew will be entered and you will then be asked if you want to enter another crew in the same event or go back to the main event listing to select a new event to enter.
Let’s go back to the main event listing to see what has changed now we have entered a crew.
You can view your Club’s transactions for a Regatta by clicking on the View Transaction link at the foot of the Regatta Entry page or use the link on the navigation bar at the top of the Club Secretary page. Both options are shown below:
Viewing a specific Transaction for a Regatta will generate a form as follows.
Pop a cheque in the post to the Regatta Secretary to ensure your crews can race on the day.
There are two ways to Enter a Head
You can use the Quick Links on the Club Secretary home page to enter a Head:
You can also use the top navigation bar to go to the list of Heads (HOR Entry)
A list of Heads which are available to enter is presented. The image below represents test data.
Select the head you wish to enter by clicking on “Go” for that Head as follows:
Selecting a HOR to enter brings you to the main HOR Entry page. There is some important information for both you and the HOR Secretary as shown below. It’s a busy page with lots of info. Worth taking time to review it all.
To get started you must add your own details to allow the HOR Secretary contact you. These are compulsory.
Next step is to select an event to enter. Scroll down the page to view all the events and click “Enter” to build a crew.
Selecting “Enter” brings you to the “Crew Builder” where you can build a crew from the eligible (registered & paid) rowers based on the combination of their status points relative to the Event you are seeking to enter.
The crew builder has three important areas:
1. The Rower Selection drop-downs – from which you select individual rowers
2. The Points accumulator – which shows the total points of the rowers you are selecting and the max allowed for the event.
3. Rowers not available for this crew based on their status.
Let’s focus on 1 and 2 as we build a crew and see what happens. Firstly selecting two rowers who are eligible in terms of total points:
Let’s see what happens when we select two rowers whose points exceed the allowable points for this event:
You will need to select a different combination of rowers from the drop down based on the points. You can see in the drop-down the points for each rower to help you decide who to swap in.
Let’s assume you have selected a combination that works, then click enter Crew as follows:
Your crew will be entered and you will then be asked if you want to enter another crew in the same event or go back to the main event listing to select a new event to enter.
Let’s go back to the main event listing to see what has changed now we have entered a crew.
You can amend your entry prior to closing by clicking View/Amend in the previous screen shot.
You can view your Club’s transactions for a Regatta by clicking on the View Transaction link at the foot of the Regatta Entry page or use the link on the navigation bar at the top of the Club Secretary page. Both options are shown below:
Viewing a specific Transaction for a Regatta will generate a form as follows.
Pop a cheque in the post to the Regatta Secretary to ensure your crews can race on the day.
Go the Home page ( and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Click on the Regatta Secretary link
You will be presented with this screen. Click on the drop-down list to select your Regatta
Select your Regatta from the list by scrolling up or down. The list is date ordered.
Having selected your Regatta, now enter the Regatta Secretary password, and click Logon.
(If you do not know your password you will need to contact Rowing Ireland to issue a new one.)
If this is your first time logging in as the Regatta Secretary you will be presented with the Regatta Set-Up Page. This page outlines the criteria for the regatta – password, event date, your contact details, etc. Some criteria are only editable by Rowing Ireland. These are shown but grey-ed out.
Complete any necessary information and click Submit. Once all information has been provided or you are logging in for your second or later time, you will be presented with the following Regatta Secretary home page:
The following screen is the home page for the Regatta secretary. You can get here by logging on.
There are a number of functions which a Regatta Secretary can carry out on Tracker, namely:
· Edit Regatta Details – basic contact info, start date, declaration on/off, etc
· Add, Edit or View Regatta Events – setting up and managing individual events within the Regatta
· Add Information about the regatta for Club Secretaries (directions, draws, prospectus, safety information, etc)
· View and manage entries – including overseas entries
· Update, view and submit Regatta results.
The system is designed to allow you to access these functions and related sub-functions with the top navigation bar. However for ease of use a number of the most common functions are also listed on the Regatta Secretary Home Page. The image below highlights some examples.
By Clicking on items on the top Navigation Bar you get a list of Sub-functions that relate to the particular heading. For example click on “Home” and you get the following drop down menu:
Each Sub-function for the Regatta Secretary is outlined below
The Home Tab allows you to access the following
· Regatta Menu – brings you back to the Regatta Secretary Home Page
· Regatta Details – presents the Regatta information, closing dates, contact details etc.
· Edit Events – allows you to build and edit events for your regatta
· Club List – Presents a list of Club Contacts and also a function to mail them.
The Documents section allows you to add important information about your regatta for the public (via and club Secretaries (via the Club secretary function). Documents might include Health & Safety information, Directions, Prospectus or any other documents you wish to make available. Please use formats that are commonly viewable eg PDF’s, Excel or Word to make it easy for people to view your documents.
The documents section is accessed by clicking on Documents on the main navigation bar and the following drop-down options presented themselves:
· View Regatta Docs – View the list of documents you have already uploaded
· Add Regatta Docs – Upload a new Document
· Remove Regatta Docs – Remove a Document
Entries is where the magic happens! Your options include:
· Entry Menu – set up and edit events
· View Transactions – view club entry transactions
· Set Payments – manage who has paid (and who hasn’t!)
· Manual Entry – make an entry on behalf of a club
· Manage Overseas Entries - entry system for overseas clubs
· View Crews Entered – view lists of crews entered in events
· Declare Crews – when a regatta requires declarations you can manage them here
· View Rowers Entered - view lists of rowers entered in events
Under the Rules of Rowing (Rules 2.17) Regatta Secretary is required to submit the results of their regatta to Rowing Ireland. within seven (7) days. The Results section of the Regatta Secretary Tracker function is where you can manage the results and submit them to Rowing Ireland.
The following sections are accessible from the Results tab on the main navigation bar:
· Results Manager – set up and edit events
· Enter Race Results – add results by event
· View Regatta Results – view the results already input
· Submit Results to Rowing Ireland – submit results as final step before closing regatta
Tracker enables the Regatta Secretary to set up and manage their regatta. The system is designed to allow the Regatta Secretary to build their regatta prior to making it available to entries.
Once it is ready then the Regatta can be activated – at this point it will be visible to Club Secretaries and will accept entries. It is possible to edit certain aspects after the regatta is activated however it is best to have set it up correctly in advance to avoid having to deal with entries for events that have been deleted etc.
You can activate (and deactivate) your regatta on the Regatta Secretary Home Screen as shown below:
Once the Closing Date for entries has passed the regatta will no longer be open to entries but will remain visible to Club secretaries for Declarations, Substitutions and viewing Regatta Information. The regatta secretary does not need to de-activate the regatta as Tracker manages the Closing Date.
Note: If you deactivate your regatta once entries have been submitted, Club Secretaries will not be able to access their entries.
There are two ways to get to the screen that allows you Create or Edit your Regatta Events. You can use the Quick Links on the Regatta Home page (shown below):
Or you can use the Top Navigation bar as shown below:
Either way this is where you want to get to – the Create Events Page. We are going to look at the two areas (Marked 1 and 2).
Area 1 is where you want to set up events from scratch. A choice of Men Standard, Women Standard, Invitation, Men’s Para and Women’s Para are available
Area 2 provides you with an option to clone the event set up of a previous regatta. In School this is known as ”cogging”. College-types call it plagiarising. However in most work environments it’s known as “getting stuff done quickly.” WARNING: If the regatta you clone has errors in its event entry, so will you.
Let’s set up a standard event. Starting from the Create Events page shown below, click on the “Enter Womens standard event” link or Enter Mens standard events” link. They have the same format and set up so this example works for either.
This will present a screen similar to the
following, showing all possible Standard Events and allows you either set a
specific fee per event or set an overall fee per rower.
Worth Noting that :
1. You must set a fee
2. You must click selected
3. You must scroll down and click Submit
Note: Where “Price per rower” is set, the Fee Per Team is calculated by multiplying the number of rowers in a crew by the “Price per rower”.
In the example below the Fee per Rower was set to €5 and the Intermediate 2- was the only event selected. When we click Submit this following is what is presented:
When you return to the Event set up lists you will find any event you have already created is marked accordingly as shown below:
Invitation events are defined in the Rules of Rowing and may be set up by the Regatta Secretary as required using the Enter Invitation Event link as shown below:
Clicking on the Enter Invitation Events link brings you to the following page which allows you select a number of combinations to form your event:
You will be returned to the Event Set up page where your new events should be listed among those already saved as shown below:
Para events are defined in the Rules of Rowing and may be set up by the Regatta Secretary as required using the “Enter Mens Para events” or “Enter Womens Para events” link as shown below:
Clicking on the Enter Mens or Womens Events link brings you to the following page which allows you select a number of combinations to form your event:
When you click submit you will be returned to the event set up page again, with your new event(s) showing on the list as shown below:
Tracker allows you to add important documents which you wish to share with those entering or competing in the regatta. You can use the Documents link on the navigation bar to get to this section or use the Quick links – both are shown below:
The first step is to Add Documents which is a simply matter of uploading the document you wish to share:
You’ll get a confirmation as follows and the opportunity to upload another file:
Having opened your Regatta to entries you
can view the entries by clicking on the Entries tab on the Navigation bar and
select Entry Menu from the drop-down.
This will bring you to a page with a number of links which are explained below:
1 – Declarations need to be made if you have set your Regatta up to require declarations.
2 – “View” presents an online version of the particular information
3 – “Download” lets you down load the information to be used for other purposes, eg accounts or regatta programme.
Declarations are set in the Regatta Details page. This page can be found by clicking on Home Tab on the Navigation bar, and on Regatta Details in the Drop Down as follows:
On the following page you can de-select or reset the date for declarations.
Going back to the Entries Page, you can update their declared Status from “Not Set” to “declared” or “not attending”. If they are declared they will appear in the Draw. If they are not attending they will not appear in the Draw. The Declaration Page is shown below.
Once the Declarations are done – whether by the clubs or the regatta Secretary, the system will show the status, the time they were declared and who declared them (club or regatta secretary). An example is shown below.
Getting paid is always good. Knowing who owes what is a good place to start. Selecting the Transactions Drop Down from the Entries Navigation Bar presents a screen allows you to search for transactions by Club, by Crew, by event, who has or hasn’t paid. Section 2 of the Screen will change depending on the info you have requested.
The manual entry function allows you to make an entry on behalf of a club who for some reason may not have been able to make an entry themselves. Note: these manual entries cannot be make after the Regatta has closed to entries.
Select Manual Entry from the Entry drop-down list as show below:
Select the Club you with to make a manual entry for from the drop down:
You will be presented with the Club Secretary entry page for that particular club. You can then make an entry on their behalf by clicking on the event they need an entry submitted for:
You can then process an entry in the normal manner. This is described in detail in the relevant section of the Tracker Manual under the Club Secretary sections.
Clubs that are not registered with Rowing Ireland will not have access to the Tracker System. However many regatta’s attract overseas entrants. In these cases their entry can be added by the regatta secretary manually, using the Overseas Entry option.
The overseas entry option can be accessed by clicking on the Manage Overseas Entries drop-down option as shown below:
Select the Event they wish to enter:
Click Choose Event:
Name the Crew, Enter the Rowers Names and Click “Enter Crew”:
You will be returned to the Overseas Entry page to select a new event to add an entry for. This screen will also show you the overseas entries already logged to the system. Changes can be made to an individual entry as required from this page.
You can View Crew Entered or View Rowers Entered links from the Drop-Down menu of Entries:
An example of one of these pages:
Regatta results must be submitted to Rowing Ireland using the Tracker system. Under the Rules of Rowing a Regatta Secretary is required to submit the results of their regatta to Rowing Ireland within seven (7) days. You can access the results section from the Results Tab on the main navigation bar.
The system allows you to then:
1. Enter results
2. Submit results to Rowing Ireland
3. View Regatta Results
Click on Enter Race Results as shown below:
You are brought to the Enter Regatta Results page. This page has an important notice which we have highlighted below:
To update the results click on edit Results
for the event you wish to update:
The Results page for an event looks as follows, with three important parts:
1) You can update the crews finishing position with a drop-down selection as follows:
2) You can View or Amend the crew in the event of Substitutions. This is IMPORTANT as points are WON or LOST depending on who was in a Crew. Even Crews that didn’t win need to be recorded accurately.
3) “Submit” – submit the results.
Where there are no substitutions, it is simply a matter of placing all the crews in their finishing positions and clicking “Submit”. Doing so returns you to the Enter Regatta Results and you can submit additional results or amend the current set:
In the event of a substitution during the Regatta you must make the changes when submitting the results. This is done by editing the Crew in the Results section.
This will present a screen with the eligible rowers from the particular club. If the substitution is not eligible then the crew should not have raced and the matter should be referred to the Chair of the Domestic Events Committee.
You can View the results you have input into the system by clicking View Results from the Results drop-down menu as shown below:
The View Results page is shown below:
Once you are happy that all results have been entered correctly, including substitutions you should now submit the results to Rowing Ireland so that the relevant points can be allocated to those who competed.
You can access the Submit Results section through the Entries drop-down as shown below:
This is a very simple process – just be sure you are happy with what you are submitting. You will not be able to make changes afterwards. WARNING: You will be locked out of the Regatta once you click SUBMIT. Only Rowing Ireland will be able to access the data from this point on.
WARNING: You will be locked out of the Regatta once you click SUBMIT. Only Rowing Ireland will be able to access the data from this point on.
Go the Home page ( and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Click on the HOR Secretary link
You will be presented with this screen. Click on the “Head” drop-down menu
Select your HOR from the list by scrolling up or down. The list is date ordered.
Having selected your Head, now enter the HOR Secretary password, and click Logon.
(If you do not know your password you will need to contact Rowing Ireland to issue a new one.)
If this is your first time logging in as the HOR Secretary you will be presented HOR Set-Up Page. This page outlines the criteria for the HOR – password, event date, your contact details, etc. Some criteria are only editable by Rowing Ireland. These are shown but grey-ed out.
Complete any necessary information and click Submit. Once all information has been provided or you are logging in for your second or later time, you will be presented with the following HOR Secretary home page:
The following screen is the home page for the HOR Secretary. You can get here by logging on.
There are a number of functions which a HOR Secretary can carry out on Tracker, namely:
· Edit HOR Details – basic contact info, start date, declaration on/off, etc
· Add, Edit or View HOR Events – setting up and managing individual events within the HOR
· Add Information about the HOR for Club Secretaries (directions, draws, prospectus, safety information, etc)
· View HOR info/docs
· Delete HOR/Info docs
The system is designed to allow you to access these functions and related sub-functions with the top navigation bar. However for ease of use a number of the most common functions are also listed on the HOR Secretary Home Page. The image below highlights some examples.
By Clicking on items on the top Navigation Bar you get a list of Sub-functions that relate to the particular heading. For example click on “Home” and you get the following drop down menu:
Each Sub-function for the HOR Secretary is outlined below
The Home Tab allows you to access the following
· HOR Menu – brings you back to the HOR Secretary Home Page
· HOR Details – presents the HOR information, closing dates, contact details etc.
· Edit Events – allows you to build and edit events for your HOR
· Clubs Entered – Presents a list of Club Contacts and also a function to mail them.
The Documents section allows you to add important information about your HOR for the public (via and club Secretaries (via the Club secretary function). Documents might include Health & Safety information, Directions, Prospectus or any other documents you wish to make available. Please use formats that are commonly viewable eg PDF’s, Excel or Word to make it easy for people to view your documents.
The documents section is accessed by clicking on Documents on the main navigation bar and the following drop-down options presented themselves:
· View HOR Docs – View the list of documents you have already uploaded
· Add HOR Docs – Upload a new Document
· Remove HOR Docs – Remove a Document
Entries is where the magic happens! Your options include:
· Entry Menu – set up and edit events
· View Transactions – view club entry transactions
· Set Payments – manage who has paid (and who hasn’t!)
· Manual Entry – make an entry on behalf of a club
· Manage Overseas Entries - entry system for overseas clubs
· View Crews Entered – view lists of crews entered in events
· View Rowers Entered - view lists of rowers entered in events
Tracker enables the HOR Secretary to set up and manage their HOR. The system is designed to allow the HOR Secretary to build their HOR prior to making it available to entries.
Once it is ready then the HOR can be activated – at this point it will be visible to Club Secretaries and will accept entries. It is possible to edit certain aspects after the HOR is activated however it is best to have set it up correctly in advance to avoid having to deal with entries for events that have been deleted etc.
You can activate (and deactivate) your HOR on the HOR Secretary Home Screen as shown below:
Note: If you deactivate your HOR after there are entries, the Club Secretary will not be able to access the HOR.
Once the Closing Date for entries has passed the HOR will no longer be open to entries but will remain visible to Club secretaries for Substitutions and viewing HOR Information. The HOR secretary does not need to de-activate the HOR as Tracker manages the Closing Date.
There are two ways to get to the screen that allows you Create or Edit your HOR Events. You can use the Quick Links on the HOR Home page (shown below):
Or you can use the Top Navigation bar as shown below:
Either way this is where you want to get to – the Create Events Page. We are going to look at the two areas (Marked 1 and 2).
Area 1 is where you want to set up events from scratch. A choice of Men Standard, Women Standard, Invitation, Men’s Para and Women’s Para are available
Area 2 provides you with an option to clone the event set up of a previous HOR. In School this is known as ”cogging”. College-types call it plagiarising. However in most work environments it’s known as “getting stuff done quickly.” WARNING: If the HOR you clone has errors in its event entry, so will you.
Let’s set up a standard event. Starting from the Create Events page shown below, click on the “Enter Womens standard event” link or Enter Mens standard events” link. They have the same format and set up so this example works for either.
You will be brought to a screen which asks you which head you wish to create the Event for. In HORs there are Rolling and Fixed Head options. You can also have a combination of these events and up to 10 Fixed Heads. This means you can set up events across different head combinations.
Start with the first head you wish to add
an event to:
In this example we are going to set up an event for the Fixed Head 1. Selecting this Head will present a screen similar to the following, showing all possible Standard Events and allows you either set a specific fee per event or set an overall fee per rower. Worth Noting that:
· You must set a fee
· You must click selected
· You must click the “Add event to : XXX” button to save your changes
Area 1 allows you to move around among the heads to add events to specific heads. Make sure you are in the right head at the right time!
Area 2 is where you can set a master Fee per Rower. This will automatically add Fee per team to Area 3
Area 3 is where you select individual events for your Head.
Area 4 is where you add those events to your Head. This must be clicked to save your changes. The button is also available at the foot of the page.
In the example below the Fee per rower was set to €5 and the Intermediate 2- was the only event selected. When we click “Add Event to : Fixed 1” this following is what is presented:
When you return to the Event set up lists you will find any event you have already created is marked accordingly as shown below:
Invitation events are defined in the Rules of Rowing and may be set up by the HOR Secretary as required using the Enter Invitation Event link as shown below:
Clicking on the Enter Invitation Events link brings you to the following page which allows you select a number of combinations to form your event:
You will be returned to the Event Set up page where your new events should be listed among those already saved as shown below:
Para events are defined in the Rules of Rowing and may be set up by the HOR Secretary as required using the “Enter Mens Para events” or “Enter Womens Para events” link as shown below:
Clicking on the Enter Mens or Womens Para Events link brings you to the following page which allows you select a number of combinations to form your event:
When you click “Add event to:” you will be returned to the event set up page again, with your new event(s) showing on the list as shown below:
Tracker allows you to add important documents which you wish to share with those entering or competing in the HOR. You can use the Documents link on the navigation bar to get to this section or use the Quick links – both are shown below:
The first step is to Add Documents which is a simply matter of uploading the document you wish to share:
You’ll get a confirmation as follows and the opportunity to upload another file:
Having opened your HOR to entries you can
view the entries by clicking on the Entries tab on the Navigation bar and
select Entry Menu from the drop-down.
This will bring you to a page with a number of links which are explained below:
1 – “View” presents an online version of the particular information
2 – “Download” lets you down load the information to be used for other purposes, eg accounts or progammes.
Getting paid is always good. Knowing who owes what is a good place to start. Selecting the Transactions Drop Down from the Entries Navigation Bar presents a screen allows you to search for transactions by Club, by Crew, by event, who has or hasn’t paid.
Section 1 provides a number of search criteria. Section 2 of the Screen will change depending on the info you have requested.
Clicking Payment Mode will set up the page to allow you mark clubs as paid. This mode is shown below. Set a Crew or Club to Paid (Area 1) and save your changes by clicking on SET PAYMENT (area 2)
The manual entry function allows you to make an entry on behalf of a club who for some reason may not have been able to make an entry themselves. Note: these manual entries cannot be make after the HOR has closed to entries.
Select Manual Entry from the Entry drop-down list as show below:
Select the Club you with to make a manual entry for from the drop down:
You will be presented with the Club Secretary entry page for that particular club. You can then make an entry on their behalf by clicking on the event they need an entry submitted for:
You can then process an entry in the normal manner. This is described in detail in the relevant section of the Tracker Manual under the Club Secretary sections.
Clubs that are not registered with Rowing Ireland will not have access to the Tracker System. However many HOR’s attract overseas entrants. In these cases their entry can be added by the HOR secretary manually, using the Overseas Entry option.
The overseas entry option can be accessed by clicking on the Manage Overseas Entries drop-down option as shown below:
Select the Event they wish to enter:
Click Choose Event:
Name the Crew, Enter the Rowers Names and Click “Enter Crew”:
You will be returned to the Overseas Entry page to select a new event to add an entry for. This screen will also show you the overseas entries already logged to the system. Changes can be made to an individual entry as required from this page.
You can View Crew Entered or View Rowers Entered links from the Drop-Down menu of Entries:
An example of one of these pages: